Send good vibes to your desk / work station. Here are a few tips to get you started.
Creating more space on your desk boosts creativity and is a visual reminder of what you want to attract and accomplish this week.
Clear the clutter = being organised improves time management and boosts productivity.
Place all unfinished, unresolved work in coloured folders and file.
A couple of areas to prioritise:
The front left side of the desk (southern hemisphere) is the Helpful People Sector. Have a clean pad of paper, your cell phone and diary ready for new clients and contacts.
The left middle side of the desk is the Creativity Zone good space for advertising material and current promotional projects.
Jazz up the far right corner of the desk for Wealth and Prosperity. Even just placing a simple flower in a small beautiful vase will visually suggest abundance.
Contact Rosemary for a Desk Clutter Clearing Consultation.
Skype sessions available.